
  • 1Drug Repositioning. Bringing New Life to Shelved Assets and Existing Drugs , Barratt Michael J.
    The how's and why's of successful drug repositioning Drug repositioning, also known as drug reprofiling or repurposing, has become an increasingly important part of the drug development process. This… 10692.49 руб электронная книга

  • 2Bio-Inspired and Nanoscale Integrated Computing , Mary Eshaghian-Wilner Mehrnoosh
    Brings the latest advances in nanotechnology and biology to computing This pioneering book demonstrates how nanotechnology can create even faster, denser computing architectures and algorithms… 10926.64 руб электронная книга

  • 3Call Them by Their True Names , Solnit Rebecca (2018)
    Beginning with the election of Donald Trump (The Loneliest Man in the World) and expanding back and forth into American history, surveillance, violence against the individual, the denormalizing of… 937 руб

  • 4Call Them by Their True Names , Solnit Rebecca (2018)
    Beginning with the election of Donald Trump (The Loneliest Man in the World) and expanding back and forth into American history, surveillance, violence against the individual, the denormalizing of… 1212 грн (только Украина)

  • 5Basque Country , Buckley Marti (2018)
    Tucked away in the northwest corner of Spain, Basque Country not only boasts more Michelin-starred restaurants per capita than any other region in the world, but it's unique confluence of mountain… 2630 руб

  • 6Basque Country , Buckley Marti (2018)
    Tucked away in the northwest corner of Spain, Basque Country not only boasts more Michelin-starred restaurants per capita than any other region in the world, but it`s unique confluence of mountain… 3402 грн (только Украина)