by inference

  • 91statistical inference — The process by which results from a sample may be applied more generally to a population. More precisely, how inferences may be drawn about a population, based on results from a sample of that population. Inferential statistics are generally… …

    Dictionary of sociology

  • 92logical inference — loginis išvedimas statusas T sritis dirbtinis intelektas apibrėžtis Naujų faktų išvedimas iš žinomų faktų, remiantis logikos taisyklėmis. Loginis išvedimas naudojamas loginiame programavime, ekspertinėse ir kitose žiniomis grindžiamose sistemose …

    Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • 93immediate inference — noun 1. : an inference drawn from a single premise 2. : the operation of drawing an inference from a single premise …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 94Ontology Inference Layer — OIL (Ontology Inference Layer or Ontology Interchange Language) can be regarded as an Ontology infrastructure for the Semantic Web.[1] OIL is based on concepts developed in Description Logic (DL) and frame based systems and is compatible with… …


  • 95Least squares inference in phylogeny — generates a phylogenetic tree based on anobserved matrix of pairwise genetic distances andoptionally a weightmatrix. The goal is to find a tree which satisfies the distance constraints asbest as possible.Ordinary and weighted least squaresThe… …


  • 96RDF Inference Language — (RIL) is an open format designed to express expert systems rules and queries that operate on RDF models. RIL uses an XML vocabulary to define rules for a RIL processor to operate on an RDF model.Elements of RIL have been integrated into… …


  • 97Arbitrary inference — In clinical psychology, arbitrary inference is a type of cognitive bias in which a person quickly draws a conclusion without the requisite evidence. [cite book | last = Sundberg | first = Norman | title = Clinical Psychology: Evolving Theory,… …


  • 98Ontology Inference Layer — (OIL) ist eine webbasierte Auszeichnungssprache des Semantischen Web, die mit dem Ontologie Editor OILed verbunden ist. Das Konzept von OIL verbindet dabei ein rahmenbasiertes System sowohl mit einer Beschreibungslogik wie mit dem Webstandards… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 99same actor inference — USA A defense to discrimination claims used when a plaintiff alleges that the person who hired them then discriminated against them within a relatively short period of time. The defense assumes that a person who is fully aware of the protected… …

    Law dictionary

  • 100rule of inference — Lewis Carroll raised the Zeno like problem of how a proof ever gets started. Suppose I have as premises (1) p and (2) p →q . Can I infer q ? Only, it seems, if I am sure of (3) (p & p →q ) →q . Can I then infer q ? Only, it seems, if I am sure… …

    Philosophy dictionary