call on

  • 21Call-in — 〈[ kɔ:lı̣n] n. 15; TV〉 Sendung, während der die Zuschauer anrufen können [zu engl. call „anrufen“] * * * Call in [kɔ:l |ɪn ], das; , s [zu engl. to call in = (kurz) vorbeikommen, vorbeischauen]: Sendung im Rundfunk od. Fernsehen, in der die… …


  • 22call-up — n BrE 1.) an order to join the army, navy etc American Equivalent: draft ▪ He got his call up papers in July. 2.) an opportunity or invitation to play for a professional sports team, especially a national one call up to ▪ Stewart s recent call up …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 23Call Me — Single par Blondie extrait de l’album American Gigolo Face A One Way or Another Sortie Avril 1980 Enregistrement Août 1979 Durée 3:32 …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 24Call — del hebreo kahal (להק), es la palabra utilizada en varios lugares del ámbito lingüístico catalán para designar las juderías o barrios judíos Los calls más importantes son los de Barcelona, Gerona y Palma de Mallorca. El de Barcelona estaba en el …

    Enciclopedia Universal

  • 25Call — [kɔ:l] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. call zu engl. to call »rufen«>: 1. Kaufoption (Börsenw.). 2. (meist Plur.) Optionspapier auf steigende Aktien; Ggs. ↑Put …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 26call-in — call ins N COUNT A call in is a programme on radio or television in which people telephone with questions or opinions and their calls are broadcast. [AM] ...a call in show on Los Angeles radio station KABC. (in BRIT, use phone in) …

    English dictionary

  • 27call-in — call′ in n. 1) rtv sbz a radio or television program in which listeners or viewers phone in questions or comments 2) featuring such phone calls: a call in program[/ex] 3) being a transaction conducted by telephone: a call in order[/ex] •… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 28call-in — [kôl′in΄] adj. of or having to do with a radio or TV program during which members of the audience call in by telephone to comment on subjects under discussion, ask questions of guests, etc. [a call in show] …

    English World dictionary

  • 29call — agg.inv., s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS fin. → dont {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1955. ETIMO: ingl. call propr. chiamata …

    Dizionario italiano

  • 30Call — 〈[kɔ:l] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 1. 〈Börse〉 Kaufoption 2. 〈salopp〉 Telefongespräch 3. 〈wiss.〉 Call for Papers Aufruf, Vorträge für eine Tagung anzumelden [Etym.: engl., »Ruf, Schrei; Anruf«] …

    Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch