
  • 81emerge — v 1. come forth, emanate, issue, flow, stream forth, effuse; egress, discharge, emit, pour out, disembogue, come out; grow out of, proceed, ensue; originate, eventuate, derive from. 2. come up, arise, crop up, spring up, Inf. pop up; come,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 82emit — v 1. discharge, expel, ejaculate, pour forth, outpour, send forth, emanate, send out, give off; squirt, spurt, shoot, jet; excrete, exude, secrete, ooze, leak, perspire; spill out, gush, disembogue, cast forth, throw out, extrude, eject; erupt,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 83empty — adj 1. void, vacant, without contents, unfilled, hollow, Scot, and North Eng. toom; unfurnished, bare, barren, blank, unadorned; depleted, (of alcoholic beverage containers) Inf. dead, exhausted, drained, spent. 2. unoccupied, untenanted,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 84flood — n 1. deluge, inundation, alluvion; freshet, flash flood, spate; overflow, spillover; torrent, cataract; tidal wave, high tides, tsunami; cloudburst, downpour; gullywasher, Inf. gully whomper, monsoon. 2. outpouring, tide, flow, stream, flush;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 85gush — v 1. flow, run, stream; issue, emanate, surge, swell, well or rush forth; effuse, spout, spurt, jet; overflow, flood, brim over, well over, run over, spill over or out; pour or burst forth, disembogue, debouch; abound, teem, cascade, fall, rush;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 86inundate — v 1. flood, overflow, deluge, overrun, pour over; submerge, drown, cover, engulf, bury; drench, saturate, soak; surge, swell, stream forth, pour forth, disembogue, debouch. 2. overwhelm, overpower, overspread, overburden; sate, glut, choke, fill… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 87leak — n 1. hole, opening, vent, scupper, drain, mouth, orifice, aperture, egress; puncture, perforation, cut, incision, split, gash, scotch, rent, slit, slot; gap, space, rift, break; fault, flaw, nick, notch; fissure, cleft, crevasse, crevice, cranny …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 88overflow — v 1. flow over, run over, overrun, spill over, overspill, slop over, brim over, teem, teem over, well over, swarm, swam over; overspread, spread over, overgrow, grow over, know no bounds. 2. surge, swell, stream forth, pour forth, disembogue,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 89regurgitate — v 1. surge back, rush back, flow back, resurge, reflow, back up; ebb, bring back, reissue, regorge. 2. vomit, egest, throw up, Sl. puke, Sl. barf; heave, Sl. upchuck, Sl. urp, keck, retch; disgorge, spew, discharge, throw out, belch, burp; expel …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 90spout — v 1. spurt, squirt, gush, jet, spray; surge, flow, stream, pour; spurt, spit, spew, eject, discharge, debouch, disgorge, disembogue, pour out, Geol. ex travasate. 2.Informal. declaim, orate, Australian Sl. spruik, rant, rant and rave; harangue,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder