
  • 31liven — v 1.Often liven up put life into, animate, activate, motivate, move, rouse, waken; incite, stimulate, arouse, rouse up; fire, fire up, kindle, enkindle, stir, stir up, goad, spur on, prod; boost, promote, prompt, Inf. spark, Inf. sparkplug,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 32pep — n Informal. 1. spirit, animation, liveliness, vivacity, dash, elan, zest, verve, Sl. moxie, zing; fire, sprightliness, breeziness, buoyancy, cheer, vitality, life; ebullience, Inf. zip, sparkle, effervescence; vigor, vim, It. brio. energy;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 33pluck — v 1. pull, pull off, pull out, draw, draw out, withdraw, remove, extract, take out; collect, gather, gather or get in, cull, glean; harvest, reap, crop, pick, cut. 2. tug, tug at, pull, pull at, hitch, hitch up, hike, hike up; twitch, vellicate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 34prompt — adj 1. immediate, instant, instantaneous; direct, summary, fast; rapid, fleet, meteoric, quick, swift, brisk, expeditious, Inf. Johnny on the spot; timely, seasonable, punctual, early, in good time, Inf. bright and early. 2. ready, willing, ready …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 35reassure — v encourage, hearten, enhearten, cheer, uplift, buck up, buoy up, pat [s.o.] on the back; bolster, support, brace, hold up; nerve, embolden, rally, inspire, inspirit; comfort, give [s.o.] hope, raise [s.o. s] hopes, hold out hope, yield or afford …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 36solace — n 1. comfort, balm, consolation, condolence, soothing words; succor, relief, aid, help, support; encouragement, enheartenment, cheer, v 2. comfort, console, condole; cheer, encourage, enhearten, hearten, reassure, bolster, inspirit, Inf. buck up …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 37spirit — n 1. animating principle, vital spirit, pneuma, breath of life, anima, life; consciousness, soul, psyche; mind, intellect, Gk. Philos. nous; reason, understanding, intelligence; heart, self, ego, inner self. 2. incorporeality, immateriality,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 38stay — I v 1. remain, dwell, live, reside, sojourn, lodge, abide, inhabit, cohabit; establish oneself, pitch tent, settle, anchor, put down stakes, plant oneself. 2. continue, keep, remain, maintain, sustain, Inf. stand pat, be stable, be permanent.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 39support — v 1. bear, bear up, upbear, hold, hold up, uphold, truss, truss up; prop, prop up, brace, bolster, bolster up, buttress, gird, stay, mainstay; carry, shoulder, keep up, crutch, shore, shore up, reinforce, re strengthen; bed, embed, base, be at… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 40urge — v 1. push, drive, propel, force, force along, boost, shove, catapult; speed, speed up, accelerate, whip, whip on, lash, flog; hasten, hurry, hustle, Inf. hustle up, quicken, expedite, precipitate. 2. impel, constrain, move, press, induce; incite …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder