fairy ring

  • 11fairy ring — fair′y ring n. fng any of numerous mushrooms of meadows and open woods that spread in rings originating from mycelial growth …

    From formal English to slang

  • 12fairy ring — /ˈfɛəri rɪŋ/ (say fairree ring) noun a circle formed on the grass in a field by the growth of certain fungi, formerly supposed to be caused by fairies in their dances …

  • 13Fairy Ring —    Dark green circles of grass found in fields, meadows or lawns. Sometimes they are surrounded by a ring of mushrooms. These are the dancing places of fairies. To interfere with these places can cause a person to be struck blind or lame.… …

    The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • 14fairy-ring — …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 15Otogibanashi: Fairy Ring — Otogibanashi Fairy Ring Studio album by Miyuki Nakajima Released October 23, 2002 …


  • 16fairy ring spot — noun : a disease of carnations found especially in the greenhouse and caused by a fungus (Heterosporium echinulatum) that produces on the leaves bleached spots with concentric dark zones …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 17Fairy circle (Africa) — Fairy circles are enigmatic barren patches, typically found in the grasslands of the western part of southern Africa. They are most prolific in Namibia, but are also present in Angola and South Africa [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/africa/3587431 …


  • 18fairy — (n.) c.1300, fairie, enchantment, magic, from O.Fr. faerie land of fairies, meeting of fairies, enchantment, magic, from fae fay, from L. fata (pl.) the Fates, from PIE *bha to speak (see FAME (Cf. fame)). As a supernatural creature from late 14c …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 19Fairy path — In the folklore of the Celtic cultures a fairy path, ‘passage’, ‘avenue’ or ‘pass’ is a route taken by these supernatural beings, usually in a straight line and between sites of traditional significance, such as fairy forts or raths (a class of… …


  • 20fairy — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 a small imaginary being with magical powers. 2 sl. derog. a male homosexual. adj. of fairies, fairy like, delicate, small. Phrases and idioms: fairy cake a small individual iced sponge cake. fairy cycle a small bicycle… …

    Useful english dictionary