fizzle out

  • 131languish — v 1. droop, fade, fail, flag, wilt; weaken, decline, soften, give, sag, yield; go downhill, come apart at the seams, Sl. poop out, Sl. fizzle out, Sl. peter out, devitalize, enfeeble, debilitate, enervate, sap; fag, weary, tire, exhaust, fatigue …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132die — [v1] pass away; stop living be no more*, be taken, breathe one’s last*, cease to exist, conk*, croak*, decease, demise, depart, drop, drop off, drown, expire, finish, give up the ghost*, go way of all flesh*, kick the bucket*, perish, relinquish… …

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