free from impurity

  • 61MAIMONIDES, MOSES — (Moses ben Maimon; known in rabbinical literature as Rambam ; from the acronym Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon; 1135–1204), rabbinic authority, codifier, philosopher, and royal physician. BIOGRAPHY The most illustrious figure in Judaism in the post… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 62DEMONS, DEMONOLOGY — A demon is an evil spirit, or devil, in the ordinary English usage of the term. This definition is, however, only approximate. In polytheistic religions the line between gods and demons is a shifting one: there are both good demons and gods who… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 63salt — salt1 saltlike, adj. /sawlt/, n. 1. a crystalline compound, sodium chloride, NaCl, occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and used for seasoning food, as a preservative, etc. 2. table salt mixed with a particular herb or… …


  • 64SALT — /sawlt/, n. See Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. * * * I Chemical compound formed when the hydrogen of an acid is replaced by a metal or its equivalent, such as ammonium (NH4). Typically, an acid and a base react to form a salt and water. Most… …


  • 65Outline of Buddhism — See also: Index of Buddhism related articles Flag of Buddhism …


  • 66COMMANDMENTS, THE 613 — (Heb. תַּרְיַ״ג מִצְווֹת, taryag mitzvot). The total number of biblical commandments (precepts and prohibitions) is given in rabbinic tradition as 613. R. Simlai, a Palestinian teacher, states: 613 commandments were revealed to Moses at Sinai,… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 67clean — I. a. 1. Unstained, unspotted, spotless, unsoiled, unsullied, immaculate, cleanly, neat. 2. Unadulterated, unmixed, pure, purified, clarified. 3. Neat, delicate, shapely, graceful, light, dexterous, adroit, free from bungling. 4. Entire, complete …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 68immaculate — /ɪˈmækjulət / (say i makyoohluht), / kjə / (say kyuh ) adjective 1. free from spot or stain; spotlessly clean, as linen. 2. free from moral blemish or impurity; pure, or undefiled. 3. free from fault or flaw; free from errors, as a text. 4.… …

  • 69Purified water — Bottle for Distilled water in the Real Farmacia in Madrid Purified water is water from any source that is physically processed to remove impurities. Distilled water and deionized (DI) water have been the most common forms of purified water, but… …


  • 70white — I. adjective (whiter; whitest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwīt; akin to Old High German hwīz white and probably to Old Church Slavic světŭ light, Sanskrit śveta white, bright Date: before 12th century 1. a. free from color b. of… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary