good nature

  • 31Good will — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 32Good-humor — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 33Nature — Na ture (?; 135), n. [F., fr. L. natura, fr. natus born, produced, p. p. of nasci to be born. See {Nation}.] 1. The existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space; the physical world; all of creation. Contrasted with… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 34Nature printing — Nature Na ture (?; 135), n. [F., fr. L. natura, fr. natus born, produced, p. p. of nasci to be born. See {Nation}.] 1. The existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space; the physical world; all of creation. Contrasted… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 35Nature worship — Nature Na ture (?; 135), n. [F., fr. L. natura, fr. natus born, produced, p. p. of nasci to be born. See {Nation}.] 1. The existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space; the physical world; all of creation. Contrasted… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 36good-natured — 1570s, from GOOD (Cf. good) (adj.) + NATURE (Cf. nature). Good nature pleasing or kind disposition is from mid 15c. Related: Good naturedly …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 37good-natured — [good′nā′chərd] adj. having or showing good nature; pleasant; agreeable; affable SYN. AMIABLE good naturedly adv …

    English World dictionary

  • 38Nature fakers controversy — Illustration from William J. Long s School of the Woods (1902), showing an otter teaching her young to swim The nature fakers controversy was an early 20th century American literary debate highlighting the conflict between science and sentiment… …


  • 39nature — noun 1 the physical world; plants, animals, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ Mother ▪ Mother Nature s way of dealing with overpopulation VERB + NATURE ▪ commune with ▪ He believed in spending half an hour each day to relax and commune with …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 40good — adj., n., & adv. adj. (better, best) 1 having the right or desired qualities; satisfactory, adequate. 2 a (of a person) efficient, competent (good at French; a good driver). b (of a thing) reliable, efficient (good brakes). c (of health etc.)… …

    Useful english dictionary