1Agnes Cecilia. En sallsam historia , Gripe Maria (2011)
N&# 228;r f&# 246;r&# 228;ldral&# 246;sa Nora flyttar till en gammal l&# 228;genhet med sin nya familj, b&# 246;rjar m&# 228;rkliga saker att h&# 228;nda. N&# 229;gon verkar s&# 246;ka kontakt med… 534 руб2Lincoln in the Bardo , Saunders G. (2018)
WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017. The extraordinary first novel by the bestselling, Folio Prize-winning, National Book Award-shortlisted George Saunders, about Abraham Lincoln and the death of his… 635 руб3Lincoln in the Bardo , Saunders G. (2018)
February 1862. The Civil War is less than one year old. The fighting has begun in earnest, and the nation has begun to realize it is in for a long, bloody struggle. Meanwhile, President Lincoln's… 766 руб4The Angel Factory , Terence Blacker (2012)
Have you ever imagined that you might be living in a dream reality? That your parents, your sister, your best friend, even your dog isn t who you think they are? Ever felt that while your friends… 1170 грн (только Украина)