have a respite
1Respite care — is the provision of short term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside the home.The term short break is used in some countries to describe respite care.… …
2respite care — respite ,care noun uncount the temporary care of someone who is sick, old, or has a physical or mental problem, either at home or in a special hospital, in order to allow the person who usually takes care of them to have a rest …
3respite — res|pite [ˈrespıt, paıt US pıt] n [singular,U] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: respit, from Medieval Latin respectus; RESPECT1] 1.) a short time when something bad stops happening, so that the situation is temporarily better respite from… …
4respite — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, little, momentary, short, temporary ▪ a brief respite from the ringing of the phone ▪ much needed, welcome …
5respite — noun (singular, uncountable) 1 a short time when something unpleasant stops happening, so that the situation is temporarily better (+ from): a welcome respite from the constant pressure of work | without respite: The noise went on all night… …
6respite — UK [ˈrespɪt] / US / UK [ˈrespaɪt] noun [singular/uncountable] formal a short period of rest from having to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation respite from: The road works have given residents a much needed respite from the constant… …
7Respite (law) — The pardon power of the United States Constitution has been broadly interpreted to include a variety of specific powers. Among those powers are: pardons, conditional pardons, commutations of sentence, conditional commutations of sentence,… …
8respite — /respat/raspayt/ The temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence; a reprieve; a delay, forbearance, or continuation of time. In the civil law, an act by which a debtor, who is unable to satisfy his debts at the moment, transacts… …
9respite care — N UNCOUNT Respite care is short term care that is provided for very old or very sick people so that the person who usually cares for them can have a break. ...respite care for their very ill child for short periods …
10have — verb Have is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑hotel, ↑library, ↑mixture, ↑patient, ↑room, ↑sentence, ↑tape, ↑word Have is used with these nouns as the object: ↑A level, ↑ability, ↑ …