high rank or position

  • 11rank — I UK [ræŋk] / US noun Word forms rank : singular rank plural ranks ** 1) [countable/uncountable] someone s official position in the armed forces, police, fire service etc Her rank when she retired was captain. rank of: He joined in 1998, and… …

    English dictionary

  • 12high — 1 /haI/ adjective MEASUREMENT/DISTANCE 1 FROM BOTTOM TO TOP something that is high measures a long distance from its bottom to its top: the highest mountain in Japan | a castle surrounded by high walls | 100 feet/30 metres etc high: a building 20 …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 13High place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 14high — /huy/, adj., higher, highest, adv., higher, highest, n. adj. 1. having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall. 2. having a specified extent upward: The apple tree is now 20 feet high. 3. situated… …


  • 15rank — I 1. noun 1) she was elevated to an administrative rank Syn: position, level, grade, echelon; class, status, standing; dated station 2) a family of rank Syn: high standing, blue blood, high birth …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 16rank — I 1. noun 1) he was elevated to ministerial rank Syn: position, level, grade, echelon, class, status, standing 2) a family of rank Syn: high standing, blue blood, high birth …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 17position — positional, adj. positionless, adj. /peuh zish euhn/, n. 1. condition with reference to place; location; situation. 2. a place occupied or to be occupied; site: a fortified position. 3. the proper, appropriate, or usual place: out of position. 4 …


  • 18high-up — /ˈhaɪ ʌp/ (say huy up) adjective 1. holding an important position or rank. –noun (plural high ups) 2. a person of great importance or high rank …

  • 19high — adjective 1》 of great vertical extent.     ↘of a specified height.     ↘far above ground or sea level.     ↘extending above the normal level.     ↘(of latitude) near the North or South Pole. 2》 great in amount, value, size, or intensity.     ↘(of …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 20high position — prominent position, high rank, position in which one has great power and influence …

    English contemporary dictionary