hold in

  • 21hold up — {v.} 1. To raise; lift. * /John held up his hand./ 2. To support; hear; carry. * /The chair was too weak to hold up Mrs. Smith./ 3. To show; call attention to; exhibit. * /The teacher held up excellent models of composition for her class to… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 22hold up — {v.} 1. To raise; lift. * /John held up his hand./ 2. To support; hear; carry. * /The chair was too weak to hold up Mrs. Smith./ 3. To show; call attention to; exhibit. * /The teacher held up excellent models of composition for her class to… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 23hold-up — ˈhold up noun [countable] TRANSPORT MANUFACTURING a delay, for example in transport or production: • motorway holdups * * * hold up UK US /ˈhəʊldʌp/ noun [C] ► a delay that prevents something from happening …

    Financial and business terms

  • 24hold-up — n 1.) a situation that stops something from happening or making progress = ↑delay ▪ traffic hold ups on the highway ▪ Despite the odd hold up, we finished on time. 2.) informal an attempt to rob a place or person by threatening them with a weapon …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 25hold — ‘grasp, clasp’ [OE] and hold ‘cargo store’ [16] are not the same word. The verb goes back to a prehistoric Germanic source which meant ‘watch, guard’. This ancestral sense is preserved in the derivative behold [OE], but the simple verb hold,… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 26hold — Adj erw. obs. (8. Jh.), mhd. holt, ahd. hold, as. hold Stammwort. Aus g. * hulþa Adj. zugeneigt , auch in gt. hulþs, anord. hollr, ae. hold, afr. hold. Wohl mit Ablaut zu g. * halþa Adj. schräg, geneigt (s. unter Halde); vgl. l. cliēns Höriger,… …

    Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • 27hold-up — hold ups also holdup 1) N COUNT A hold up is a situation in which someone is threatened with a weapon in order to make them hand over money or valuables. Syn: raid 2) N COUNT A hold up is something which causes a delay. 3) N COUNT A hold up is… …

    English dictionary

  • 28hold — hold: Das gemeingerm. Adjektiv mhd. holt, ahd. hold »günstig, gnädig; ergeben, dienstbar, treu«, got. hulps »gnädig«, aengl. hold »gnädig, günstig, angenehm; treu«, schwed. huld »gnädig, freundlich« gehört wahrscheinlich im Sinne von »geneigt« zu …

    Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • 29hold — ‘grasp, clasp’ [OE] and hold ‘cargo store’ [16] are not the same word. The verb goes back to a prehistoric Germanic source which meant ‘watch, guard’. This ancestral sense is preserved in the derivative behold [OE], but the simple verb hold,… …

    Word origins

  • 30Hold Up — Album par Saïan Supa Crew Sortie 2005 Genre Hip Hop Albums de Saïan Supa Crew …

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