hold in

  • 71hold — hold1 verb (past and past participle held) 1》 grasp, carry, or support. 2》 keep in a specified position: I held the door open for him.     ↘remain secure or intact: the boat s anchor would not hold. 3》 keep or detain.     ↘have in one s… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 72hold — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abduction, abide, abort, absorb, absorb the attention, abstain, accent, accent mark, accommodate, account, account as, accumulate, acropolis, adhere, adhere to, adjudge, adjudicate, admit, advance, advantage,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 73hold — I [[t]hoʊld[/t]] v. held, hold•ing, n. 1) to have or keep in the hand; grasp: to hold someone s hand[/ex] 2) to set aside; reserve or retain: to hold a reservation[/ex] 3) to bear, sustain, or support with or as if with the hands or arms 4) to… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 74hold — 1. verb 1) she held a suitcase Syn: clasp, clutch, grasp, grip, clench, cling to, hold on to; carry, bear Ant: release, let go of 2) I wanted to hold her …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 75hold — v 1. grasp, clutch, clasp, seize, keep fast, gripe; have, palm, retain, Inf. latch onto, clench, clinch; hug, embrace, Brit. Dial. clip; keep, have and hold, harbor; cherish, treasure, fondle, Archaic. bosom. 2. reserve, set aside, put aside, set …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 76hold — be·hold; be·hold·er; be·hold·ing; bors·hold·er; hold; cuck·hold; free·hold·er; hold·able; hold·fast·ness; hold·man; house·hold·er; house·hold·er·ship; house·hold·ing; house·hold·ry; mis·be·hold·en; stadt·hold·er; stadt·hold·er·ate;… …

    English syllables

  • 77hold — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 act/way of holding sth ADJECTIVE ▪ firm, tight ▪ He still had me in a tight hold. VERB + HOLD ▪ catch, get, grab …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 78hold — {{11}}hold (n.1) act of holding, c.1100; grasp, grip, c.1200, from O.E. geheald (Anglian gehald) keeping, custody, guard; watch, protector, guardian, from HOLD (Cf. hold) (v.). Meaning place of refuge is from c.1200; fortified place is from… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 79hold up — verb 1. be the physical support of; carry the weight of (Freq. 4) The beam holds up the roof He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam What s holding that mirror? • Syn: ↑hold, ↑support, ↑sustain …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 80hold — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. grasp, clutch, grip; tenure, possession; control, influence, domination; ownership, keeping; anchor, rein. v. have, occupy, retain, own, possess; restrain, repress, control, pinion, curb; check, stop …

    English dictionary for students