1Probability and Stochastic Processes , Ionut Florescu
A comprehensive and accessible presentation of probability and stochastic processes with emphasis on key theoretical concepts and real-world applications With a sophisticated approach, Probability… 9652.07 руб электронная книга2Probability and Statistics for Finance , Markus Hoechstoetter
A comprehensive look at how probability and statistics is applied to the investment process Finance has become increasingly more quantitative, drawing on techniques in probability and statistics that… 6178.75 руб электронная книга3Probability , Haigh John (2012)
Making good decisions under conditions of uncertainty - which is the norm - requires a sound appreciation of the way random chance works. As analysis and modelling of most aspects of the world, and… 493 руб4Probability , Haigh John (2012)
Making good decisions under conditions of uncertainty - which is the norm - requires a sound appreciation of the way random chance works. As analysis and modelling of most aspects of the world, and… 674 грн (только Украина)5Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Ecosystem Managers. Simulation and Resampling , Timothy Haas C.
Explores computer-intensive probability and statistics for ecosystem management decision making Simulation is an accessible way to explain probability and stochastic model behavior to beginners. This… 8258.66 руб электронная книга6A First Course in Probability and Markov Chains , Poggiolini Laura
Provides an introduction to basic structures of probability with a view towards applications in information technology A First Course in Probability and Markov Chains presents an introduction to the… 7336.46 руб электронная книга7Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists , Guttman Irwin
Introducing the tools of statistics and probability from the ground up An understanding of statistical tools is essential for engineers and scientists who often need to deal with data analysis over… 11316.87 руб электронная книга8Advanced Charting Techniques for High Probability Trading. The Most Accurate And Predictive Charting Method Ever Created , Aaron Zalewski R.
An all-star team of trading experts describe an array of proven charting techniques to bolster any portfolio *Purchase includes a 30-day free trial of Advanced Charting Platinum Selections software… 3248.72 руб электронная книга9Forex Conquered. High Probability Systems and Strategies for Active Traders , John Person L.
Praise for FOREX CONQUERED«In this amazing book, John covers it all. From trading systems to money management to emotions, he explains easily how to pull money consistently from the most complicated… 7024.27 руб электронная книга10Statistical Implications of Turing's Formula , Zhiyi Zhang
Features a broad introduction to recent research on Turing’s formula and presents modern applications in statistics, probability, information theory, and other areas of modern data science Turing's… 9652.07 руб электронная книга