in a general way
1general, generally — General and generally are loosely overused in many expressions: generally speaking, in general in a general way. Possible substitutes: prevailing, customary, ordinary, regular, popular, catholic, common, universal, and their corresponding… …
2general — /ˈdʒɛnrəl / (say jenruhl) adjective 1. relating to, affecting, including, or participated in by all members of a class or group; not partial or particular: a general election. 2. common to many or most of a community; prevalent; usual: the… …
3General matrix notation of a VAR(p) — This page just shows the details for different matrix notations of a VAR( p ) process with k variables. Var( p ):y {t}=c + A {1}y {t 1} + A {2}y {t 2} + cdots + A {p}y {t p} + e {t},Where each y {i} is a k x 1 vector and each A {i} is a k x k… …
4General Councils — General Councils † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Councils This subject will be treated under the following heads: ♦ Definition ♦ Classification ♦ Historical Sketch ♦ The Pope and General Councils ♦ Composition of …
5General equilibrium — theory is a branch of theoretical microeconomics. It seeks to explain the behavior of supply, demand and prices in a whole economy with several or many markets. It is often assumed that agents are price takers and in that setting two common… …
6Way of the Cross — • Historical background on this devotion Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Way of the Cross Way of the Cross † …
7General Comprehensive Operating System — (GCOS,  /ˈdʒiːk …
8General Motors Place — GM Place, The Garage …
9way — n 1 Way, route, course, passage, pass, artery mean, in common, a track or path traversed in going from one place to another. Way is general and inclusive of any track or path; it can specifically signify a thoroughfare especially in combinations… …
10General Motors — Company Type Public Traded as NYSE: GM TSX:  …