in regard to

  • 121Regard — ♦ A form of bonus, paid quarterly, the normal rate being 100 marks for the service of thirty men at arms. (Prestwich, Michael. Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages: The English Experience, 348) …

    Medieval glossary

  • 122regard — re·gard …

    English syllables

  • 123regard —   Hāliu …

    English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • 124regard — In old English law, inspection; supervision. Also a reward, fee, or perquisite …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 125regard of the forest — In old English law, the oversight or inspection of it, or the office and province of the regarder, who is to go through the whole forest, and every bailiwick in it, before the holding of the sessions of the forest, or justice seat, to see and… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 126regard — [14] The notions of ‘looking at something, keeping it in sight’ and ‘guarding it’ are closely linked, and often coexist in single words. Watch is an example, and so was Old French garder, ancestor of English guard. Addition of the prefix re… …

    Word origins

  • 127regard as — verb look on as or consider (Freq. 31) she looked on this affair as a joke He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician He is reputed to be intelligent • Syn: ↑think of, ↑repute, ↑look upon, ↑look on …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 128Le Regard froid — Auteur Roger Vailland Genre essais Pays d origine …

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