in the house

  • 121The Mysterious Mr. Quin —   …


  • 122House of Fraser — Type Private Industry Retail Founded Glasgow, Scotland, UK (1849) Headquarters …


  • 123House dust mite — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum …


  • 124House Lannister — is a fictional family from George R. R. Martin s A Song of Ice and Fire book series. House Lannister is the principal house of the Westerlands. Their principal seat is Casterly Rock. Their sigil is a golden lion on a field of crimson, and their… …


  • 125House of Representatives of Puerto Rico — The House of Representatives of Puerto Rico (Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico) is the lower house of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico, larger than the Senate. Together, they compose the legislative branch of the government of Puerto …


  • 126House Greyjoy — is a fictional family from George R. R. Martin s A Song of Ice and Fire . House Greyjoy is the principal noble house on the Iron Islands; many lesser Ironborn houses are sworn to them. Their seat is at Pyke. Their sigil is a golden kraken on a… …


  • 127House of Mecklenburg — Country Mecklenburg, Titles Prince, Duke, Grand Duke, Elected Duke of United Baltic Duchy Founder Niklot …


  • 128House — (hous), n.; pl. {Houses}. [OE. hous, hus, AS. h?s; akin to OS. & OFries. h?s, D. huis, OHG. h?s, G. haus, Icel. h?s, Sw. hus, Dan. huus, Goth. gudh?s, house of God, temple; and prob. to E. hide to conceal. See {Hide}, and cf. {Hoard}, {Husband},… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English