incline an ear

  • 41k̂leu-1, k̂leu̯ǝ- : k̂lū- —     k̂leu 1, k̂leu̯ǝ : k̂lū     English meaning: to hear     Deutsche Übersetzung: “hören” (aoristisch), also “whereof man viel hört, berũhmt, Ruhm”     Note: (extension a root k̂el );     Material: 1. O.Ind. sr̥ṇōti (*k̂l̥ neu ) “hört”, srudhí …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 42bow — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English būgan; akin to Old High German biogan to bend, Sanskrit bhujati he bends Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. to cease from competition or resistance ; submit, yield < refusing to bow&#8230; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 43Origen de las aves — Un modelo de Archaeopteryx lithographica en exhibición en el Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de Oxford. El origen de las aves ha sido un asunto contencioso dentro de la biología evolutiva por muchos años, pero más recientemente ha&#8230; …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 44influence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Power to effect decision Nouns 1. influence, importance, weight, pressure, preponderance; predominance, predominancy (see superiority); power, sway; ascendancy; hegemony, reign, control, authority; bias …

    English dictionary for students

  • 45k̂el-2 —     k̂el 2     English meaning: to incline     Deutsche Übersetzung: “neigen”     Material: basis the viel reicher entwickelten root form k̂lei “lean” (see under) and very probably in consecutive words anzuerkennen: Lat. auscultō “horche,&#8230; …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 46Mishpatim — (מִּשְׁפָּטִים Hebrew for “laws,” the second word of the parshah) is the eighteenth weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the sixth in the book of Exodus. It constitutes Exodus 21:1–24:18. Jews in the&#8230; …


  • 47The Dunciad — Alexander Pope The Dunciad /ˈd …


  • 48Cloud Factory — The Bellefield Boiler Plant in Junction Hollow The Cloud Factory is an affectionate nickname for a boiler plant which billows steam from below its single smoke stack in The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, the 1988 debut novel by the Pulitzer Prize&#8230; …


  • 49Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC — This article is about Children s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. For other similarly named hospitals, see Children s Hospital (disambiguation). Children s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC University of Pittsburgh Medical Center …


  • 50UPMC Mercy — University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Geography Location Pittsburgh …
