join issue

  • 101oppose — v 1. confront, face, encounter; resist, defy, withstand, repulse, repel, Archaic. reluct, recalcitrate; counteract, contravene, neutralize, cancel, militate against, countervail. 2. attack, assault, assail, collide with, clash with, combat,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 102traverse — v 1. pass over, move over, travel over, tour, fare; range, ply, wander, roam, track; cover, sweep, peregrinate; tramp, trek, ramble, march, walk; sail, voyage, cruise, navigate, make a passage; ford, cross, overpass, cut across. 2. cross, go… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 103JUDAH HA-LEVI BEI-RABBI HILLEL — JUDAH HA LEVI BEI RABBI HILLEL, medieval paytan, some of whose work was recently discovered in the Cairo Genizah. Judah s piyyutim are based on customs prevailing in Ereẓ Israel, which would indicate that he lived there or in Egypt, where there… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 104Richard Cumberland (philosopher) — Richard Cumberland, engraving by John Smith after Thomas Murray. Richard Cumberland (July 15, 1631 – October 9, 1718) was an English philosopher, and bishop of Peterborough from 1691. In 1672, he published his major work, De legibus naturae (On… …


  • 105C. W. Alcock — Charles Alcock Personal information Full name …


  • 106traverse — traversable, adj. traversal, n. traverser, n. /trav euhrs, treuh verrs /, v., traversed, traversing, n., adj. v.t. 1. to pass or move over, along, or through. 2. to go to and fro over or along. 3. to extend across or over: A bridge traverses the… …


  • 107rebut — re·but /ri bət/ vt re·but·ted, re·but·ting [Anglo French reboter rebuter to answer a charge, bar from an action, literally, to repulse, rebuff, from Old French reboter, from re back + boter to push, butt]: to refute, counteract, or disprove (as… …

    Law dictionary

  • 108reason — rea·son n 1: an underlying ground, justification, purpose, motive, or inducement required to provide reason s for the termination in writing 2 a: the faculty of comprehending, inferring, or distinguishing esp. in a fair and orderly way b: the… …

    Law dictionary

  • 109respond — I verb acknowledge, answer, counterclaim, debate, discuss, exchange opinions, explain, give an answer, join issue, make a rejoinder, parry, plead, provide an answer, react, rebut, rejoin, reply, retort, return an answer II index answer (reply),… …

    Law dictionary

  • 110bicker — I verb agitate, altercate, argue, argue to no purpose, bandy words, battle, be at loggerheads, be at variance, be discordant, brabble, brangle, brawl, cavil, clash, conflict, contend, contest, controvert, differ, disaccord, disagree, dispute,… …

    Law dictionary