keep alive
1keep alive — index keep (shelter), maintain (carry on), perpetuate, preserve Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2keep alive — Synonyms and related words: be spared, cheat death, conserve, copyright, embalm, endure, eternalize, eternize, extend, freeze, guard, hang on, hold, immortalize, keep, keep fresh, keep going, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep safe, keep up, last …
3Keep-Alive — Keepalive ist ein Mechanismus bei der Datenübertragung mit zwei Zielen: eine Netzwerkverbindung „am Leben“ zu halten, sich selbst von Erreichbarkeit und Funktion eines Kommunikationspartners zu überzeugen. Keepalives sind in der Regel spezifische …
4keep-alive — …
5параметр keep-alive — Параметр TCP/IP, позволяющий вам автоматически проверять, продолжают ли функционировать удаленные узлы в неактивных соединениях. Если вы включите параметр KEEP ALIVE, то в неактивные соединения Oracle Net периодически будут передаваться… …
6keep-alive signal — A signal transmitted to maintain a communications circuit during periods of idleness and to prevent the circuit from timing out and terminating the connection …
7keep alive memory — (KAM) fault memory. A series of vehicle battery powered memory locations in the computer which allows it to store input failures identified during normal operation for use in later diagnostic routines. KAM even adopts some calibration parameters… …
8Keep (Begriffsklärung) — Keep steht für: Keep, Hauptturm einer mittelalterlichen Burg des englischen Kulturkreises. Keeping Emulation Environments Portable, ein von der EU mitfinanziertes EU Forschungsprojekt Keep, seemännisches Fachwort Keep Case, CD und DVD Verpackung… …
9keep body and soul together — {v. phr.} To keep alive; survive. * /John was unemployed most of the year and hardly made enough money to keep body and soul together./ Compare: KEEP THE WOLF FROM THE DOOR …
10keep body and soul together — {v. phr.} To keep alive; survive. * /John was unemployed most of the year and hardly made enough money to keep body and soul together./ Compare: KEEP THE WOLF FROM THE DOOR …