make amends to

  • 1make amends — index propitiate, recoup (reimburse), redeem (satisfy debts), redress, refund, remedy, repay, repent …

    Law dictionary

  • 2make amends — COMPENSATE, recompense, indemnify, make it up to; atone for, make up for, make good, expiate. → amends * * * make amends 1. To supply a loss 2. To compensate (for) • • • Main Entry: ↑amend make amends To render co …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 3make amends — after all the pain I ve caused, is it possible to make amends? he s obviously trying to make amends for what he s done Syn: make good, atone, make up, indemnify, expiate …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 4make amends — to do something because you did not do it when you should have. Wendi hopes that by winning today s match she will make amends to her fans for losing such an easy match yesterday. Usage notes: often followed by a phrase that begins with to, by,… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 5make amends — verb To repair a relationship; to make up; to resolve an argument or fight; to make reparations or redress. I hope they can stop fighting and make amends …


  • 6make amends — apologize to someone you have hurt, make up for    What can I do to make amends for opening her personal mail? …

    English idioms

  • 7make amends to — it s up to you to make amends to those you ve hurt Syn: compensate, recompense, redress, indemnify, make it up to …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 8make amends — to try to make a situation better after you have done something wrong I wish I could make amends somehow …

    English dictionary

  • 9make amends (to somebody) (for something doing something) — make amends (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth) idiom to do sth for sb in order to show that you are sorry for sth wrong or unfair that you have done Syn: ↑make up for something • She tried to make amends for what she had said to her mother by buying …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10make amends (to somebody) (for for doing something) — make amends (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth) idiom to do sth for sb in order to show that you are sorry for sth wrong or unfair that you have done Syn: ↑make up for something • She tried to make amends for what she had said to her mother by buying …

    Useful english dictionary