native strength
1native American — native American, adj. a person born in the United States. [1835 45, Amer.] * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called American Indian, Amerindian, Amerind, Indian, Aboriginal American, or First Nation… …
2Native American Self-Determination — refers to the series of social movements, legislation, and beliefs that support the ability of the tribes of Native Americans in the United States to have a greater level of self governance and decision making in affairs that affect their own… …
3Native title in Australia — Native title is the Australian version of the common law doctrine of aboriginal title. Native title is the recognition by Australian law that some Indigenous people have rights and interests to their land that come from their traditional laws and …
4Native American — Indian (def. 1). Usage. See Indian, Eskimo. * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called American Indian, Amerindian, Amerind, Indian, Aboriginal A …
5Native American art — ▪ visual arts Introduction also called Indian art or American Indian art the visual art of the aboriginal inhabitants of the Americas, often called American Indians. For a further discussion of the visual art of the Americas produced in …
6Native American self-determination — See also: Tribal sovereignty in the United States Native American self determination refers to the social movements, legislation, and beliefs by which the tribes in the United States (US) exercise self governance and decision making on issues… …
7Native Americans in the United States — This article is about the indigenous people of the United States. For other indigenous people see Indigenous peoples by geographic regions Native Americans …
8Native American music — Introduction music of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. The Americas contain hundreds of native communities, each with its own distinctive history, language, and musical culture. These communities although united in placing… …
9Native American mascot controversy — The propriety of using Native American mascots and images in sports has been a topic of debate in the United States and Canada since the 1960s. Americans have had a history of drawing inspiration from native peoples and playing Indian that dates… …
10Native Sons of the Golden West — Logo of the Native Sons of the Golden West. Contents 1 History 2 …