officious person
1officious — officiously, adv. officiousness, n. /euh fish euhs/, adj. 1. objectionably aggressive in offering one s unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an officious person. 2. marked by or proceeding from such forwardness:… …
2officious intermeddler — of·fi·cious in·ter·med·dler /ə fi shəs ˌin tər med əl ər/ n: one who unnecessarily meddles in the affairs of another and then seeks restitution or compensation for the beneficial results but who is barred from receiving it Merriam Webster’s… …
3officious — (adj.) 1560s, zealous, eager to serve, from L. officiosus dutiful, obliging, from officium duty, service (see OFFICE (Cf. office)). Sense of meddlesome, doing more than is asked or required had emerged by 1600 (in officiously). An officious lie… …
4Officious intermeddler — An officious intermeddler is a person who voluntarily, and without request or pre existing legal duty, interjects themselves into the affairs of another, and then seeks remuneration for services or reimbursement. Example: Person A leaves for… …
5Officious bystander — The officious bystander is a metaphorical figure of English law, developed by MacKinnon LJ in Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd v Shirlaw[1] to assist in determining when a term should be implied into an agreement. While the officious bystander test… …
6officious — official, officious The main meanings of official are ‘in the nature of an office’ (Their official duties) and ‘authorized or confirmed by someone in authority’ (The official attendance was over 10,000). By contrast, officious is a judgemental… …
7officious intermeddler — noun A person who voluntarily, and without request or pre existing legal duty, interjects themself into the affairs of an other, then seeks remuneration for services or reimbursement. Example: A leaves for vacation for two weeks during the summer …
8busybody — n. Meddler, intermeddler, meddlesome person, officious person, prig …
9Meddler — Med dler, n. One who meddles; one who interferes or busies himself with things in which he has no concern; an officious person; a busybody. [1913 Webster] …
10Pickthank — Pick thank , n. One who strives to put another under obligation; an officious person; hence, a flatterer. Used also adjectively. [1913 Webster] Smiling pickthanks, and base newsmongers. Shak. [1913 Webster] …