1The Power of Feedback. 35 Principles for Turning Feedback from Others into Personal and Professional Change , Joseph Folkman R.
Praise for The Power of Feedback«Some books are worthy of being recommended simply because of their subject matter. . . . There is no greater force to improve the quality of human relationships or… 1713.14 руб электронная книга2Secret Of Crickley Hall , Herbert (2012)
The Caleighs have had a terrible year... They need time and space, while they await the news they dread. Gabe has brought his wife, Eve, and daughters, Loren and Cally, down to Devon, to the peaceful… 328 руб3This is Street Art (2011)
A mix of top quality street art photos and acerbic, witty and sometimes downright obtuse commentary all delivered with a unique flair. Events given in depth coverage include the Agents of Change… 1669 руб