or narrowness

  • 11narrowness — n 1. closeness, nearness, tightness, tight squeeze, confinement; crowdedness, incommo diousness, Obs. incapaciousness; straitness, restriction, restrictedness, attenuation, reduction, curtailment, constriction, limitation, circumscription;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 12narrowness — nar·row·ness …

    English syllables

  • 13Dwelling Narrowness — Wo Ju redirects here. Dwelling Narrowness (Chinese: 蜗居; pinyin: Wōjū), also known literally as Snail House, was a 2009 television series broadcast in Mainland China, based on a 2007 novel of the same name. It depicts two sisters struggling with… …


  • 14free from narrowness — index liberal (not literal) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 15leptoprosopia — Narrowness of the face. [lepto + G. prosopon, face] * * * lep·to·pro·so·pia (lep″to pro soґpe ə) [lepto + prosop + ia] narrowness of the face, with slender features, round, open orbits, long nose, narrow nostrils, and small mouth.… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 16steno- — Narrowness, constriction; opposite of eury . [G. stenos, narrow] * * * prefix denoting 1. narrow. Example: stenocephaly (narrowness of the head). 2. constricted …

    Medical dictionary

  • 17stenocrotaphy, stenocrotaphia — Narrowness of the skull in the temporal region; the condition of a stenobregmate skull. [steno + G. krotaphos, temple] …

    Medical dictionary

  • 18stenostomia — Narrowness of the oral cavity. [steno + G. stoma, mouth] * * * (stenostomy) n. the abnormal narrowing of an opening, such as the opening of the bile duct …

    Medical dictionary

  • 19thoracostenosis — Narrowness of the chest. [thoraco + G. stenosis, narrowing] * * * tho·ra·co·ste·no·sis (thor″ə ko stə noґsis) [thoraco + stenosis] abnormal contraction of the chest wall …

    Medical dictionary

  • 20narrow — [[t]næ̱roʊ[/t]] ♦♦ narrower, narrowest, narrows, narrowing, narrowed 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is narrow measures a very small distance from one side to the other, especially compared to its length or height. ...through the town s narrow… …

    English dictionary