1Christ The Lord: Out of Egypt , Anne Rice (2008)
This is the book Anne Rice was born to write, a novel about the childhood of Jesus from Alexandria to Galilee in the turbulent 1st century - the story of the boy who was born to be King of the Jews… 444 руб2The Way We Live Now , Anthony Trollope (1995)
The tough-mindedness of the social satire in and its air of palpable integrity give this novel a special place in Anthony Trollope's Literary career. Trollope paints a picture as panoramic as his… 232 руб3Cien anos de soledad , Marquez Gabriel Garcia (2013)
“Muchos a&# 241;os despu&# 233;s, frente al pelot&# 243;n de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buend&# 237;a hab&# 237;a de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llev&# 243; a conocer… 1375 руб4The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It , John Gerzema (2009)
How to use brands to gain and sustain competitive advantage Companies today face a dilemma in marketing. The tried-and-true formulas to create sales and market share behind brands are becoming… 504 руб5The Way We Live Now , Anthony Trollope (2001)
The tough-mindedness of the social satire in and its air of palpable integrity give this novel a special place in Anthony Trollope's Literary career. Trollope paints a picture as panoramic as his… 222 руб6Chris Ofili , Adjaye David (2009)
The recipient of the 1998 Turner Prize, Chris Ofili is one of the most important artists working today. Ofili began to garner attention in the mid-1990s with his intricately constructed works that… 4490 руб7The Way We Live Now , Энтони Троллоп (2001)
От издателя:The tough-mindedness of the social satire in and its air of palpable integrity give this novel a special place in Anthony Trollope&# 039;s Literary career. Trollope paints a… 91 грн (только Украина)8De Niro: A Life , Shawn Levy (2014)
There’s little debate that Robert De Niro is one of the greatest screen actors of his generation, perhaps of all time--if not, in fact, the greatest. His work, particularly in the first 20 years of… 1099 руб9The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It , John Gerzema (2009)
How to use brands to gain and sustain competitive advantageCompanies today face a dilemma in marketing. The tried-and-true formulas to create sales and market share behind brands are becoming… 652 грн (только Украина)10Cien anos de soledad , Gabriel Garsia Marquez (2009)
Muchos a&241;os despu&233;s, frente al pelot&243;n de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buend&237;a hab&237;a de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llev&243; a conocer el hielo . Con… 1779 грн (только Украина)