pile up

  • 21pile-up — pile ups N COUNT A pile up is a road accident in which a lot of vehicles crash into each other. ...a 54 car pile up. (in AM, use pileup) …

    English dictionary

  • 22pile — [n1] heap, collection accumulation, aggregate, aggregation, amassment, assemblage, assortment, bank, barrel, buildup, chunk, conglomeration, drift, gob, great deal, hill, hoard, hunk, jumble, lump, mass, mound, mountain, much, ocean, oodles*,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 23Pile — [paɪl], der od. das; s, s [engl. pile, eigtl. = Haufen, Säule < lat. pila, ↑Pilar]: engl. Bez. für Kernreaktor …


  • 24pilé — pilé, ée (pi lé, lèe) part. passé de piler. Réduit par les coups d un corps dur en petits fragments. Du poivre pilé dans un mortier …

    Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • 25pile-up — n a traffic accident involving many vehicles ▪ a motorway pile up …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 26pilé — adj. s. m. Diz se de ou açúcar cristalizado em fragmentos.   ‣ Etimologia: francês pilé …

    Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • 27pile up — (something) to increase something. Many civilians were killed the evidence continues to pile up. The company piled up hundreds of millions of dollars of losses over the last year. Usage notes: usually used in passive forms: Earnings began piling… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 28pile# — pile n 1 heap, stack, mass, bank, shock, cock (see under HEAP vb) 2 *building, edifice, structure pile vb *heap, stack, mass, bank, shock, cock Analogous words: *gather, collect, assemble, co …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 29Pilé — Pilé, zerbrochener grobkörniger Zucker …

    Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • 30pile — index agglomeration, assemblage, collect (gather), collection (accumulation), cumulation, hoard, load …

    Law dictionary