propulsive force

  • 61thrust — v. & n. v. (past and past part. thrust) 1 tr. push with a sudden impulse or with force (thrust the letter into my pocket). 2 tr. (foll. by on) impose (a thing) forcibly; enforce acceptance of (a thing) (had it thrust on me). 3 intr. (foll. by at …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 62Cross-country skiing — Priit Narusk in the qualification for the Tour de Ski in Prague. Nickname(s) XC skiing Characteristics Categorization Outdoor or indoor in ski tunn …


  • 63Dinoflagellate — Dinoflagellates Temporal range: 440–0 Ma …


  • 64Double push — is an inline speed skating technique. Its major advantage over the previously practised classic technique is that it allows the skater to do useful work during the part of the stride that was wasted , and therefore to go faster. Opinions differ… …


  • 65Rowlock — A rowlock on a rowing boat A rowlock used for the sport of rowing …


  • 66HMS Lord Nelson (1906) — HMS Lord Nelson was a sclass|Lord Nelson|battleship launched in 1906 and completed in 1908. She was the Royal Navy s last predreadnought battleship.Design historyHMS Lord Nelson was laid down by Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company at Jarrow on… …


  • 67Coxswain (rowing) — A coxswain (far right), 8th and 7th position rowers at the Head of the Charles Regatta …


  • 68HMS Agamemnon (1906) — HMS Agamemnon was one of two Lord Nelson class predreadnought battleships launched in 1906 and completed in 1908. She was the Royal Navy s penultimate predreadnought battleship.Technical CharacteristicsHMS Agamemnon was ordered in 1904 and was… …


  • 69amphibian — /am fib ee euhn/, n. 1. any cold blooded vertebrate of the class Amphibia, comprising frogs and toads, newts and salamanders, and caecilians, the larvae being typically aquatic, breathing by gills, and the adults being typically semiterrestrial,… …


  • 70annelid — /an l id/, n. 1. any segmented worm of the phylum Annelida, including the earthworms, leeches, and various marine forms. adj. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Annelida. Also, annelidan /euh nel i dn/. [1825 35; see ANNELIDA] * * * Any member of… …
