recall to life

  • 41ἀναζωώσεις — ἀναζάω return to life aor subj act 2nd sg (epic) ἀναζάω return to life fut ind act 2nd sg ἀναζώωσις recalling to life fem nom/voc pl (attic epic) ἀναζώωσις recalling to life fem nom/acc pl (attic) ἀναζωόω recall to life aor subj act 2nd sg (epic) …

    Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • 42revive — Synonyms and related words: abet, accommodate, activate, adapt, adjust, aid, alter, ameliorate, animate, arouse, assist, avail, awake, awaken, bail out, be begotten, be born, be changed, be converted into, be incarnated, be renewed, bear a hand,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 43ἀναζώωσον — ἀναζάω return to life aor imperat act 2nd sg ἀναζωόω recall to life aor imperat act 2nd sg ἀ̱ναζώωσον , ἀναζωόω recall to life futperf ind act masc voc sg (doric aeolic) ἀ̱ναζώωσον , ἀναζωόω recall to life futperf ind act neut nom/voc/acc sg… …

    Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • 44ἀναζωῶσι — ἀναζωόω recall to life pres subj mp 2nd sg (epic) ἀναζωόω recall to life pres subj act 3rd pl ἀναζωόω recall to life pres subj act 3rd sg (epic) …

    Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • 45Italian literature — Introduction       the body of written works produced in the Italian language that had its beginnings in the 13th century. Until that time nearly all literary work composed in the Middle Ages was written in Latin. Moreover, it was predominantly… …


  • 46renew — Synonyms and related words: accommodate, adapt, adjust, alter, ameliorate, amend, animate, begin again, better, brace, brace up, break up, bring back, bring to, brisk, brisken, buck up, call back, change, cheer, chirk up, coin, come again,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 47bring back — Synonyms and related words: bring, bring to, bring to mind, call back, call for, call to mind, call up, chase after, conjure up, evoke, extradite, fetch, fetch and carry, get, give back, go after, go and get, go back, go back over, go fetch, go… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 48Rosary — This article is about the Catholic Marian devotion. For other forms of the Christian rosary, see Rosary based prayers. For prayer beads in other religions, see Prayer beads. Roman Catholic Mariology A series of articles on Rosary Blesse …


  • 49Glenn Ford — Infobox actor name = Glenn Ford caption = Glenn Ford in 1979. birthname = Gwyllyn Samuel Newton Ford birthdate = birth date|1916|5|1|mf=y birthplace = Quebec City, Quebec, Canada [ [ Glenn Ford ] ] …


  • 50Culture of Dorset, England — This article is about culture in the English county of Dorset. For Pre Inuit culture in Arctic North America, see Dorset culture. Dorset (  /ˈdɔr …
