refuse to acknowledge
1refuse to acknowledge — index deny (contradict), disaccord, disallow, disavow, ignore, repudiate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …
2refuse to recognize — index disown (refuse to acknowledge), neglect Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
3acknowledge — [v1] verbally recognize authority accede, accept, acquiesce, agree, allow, approve, attest to, certify, defend, defer to, endorse, grant, own, ratify, recognize, subscribe to, support, take an oath, uphold, yield; concepts 8,50,88 Ant. forswear,… …
4acknowledge — verb ADVERB ▪ fully ▪ freely, readily ▪ grudgingly, reluctantly ▪ clearly, explicitly ▪ …
5acknowledge — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. admit, confess, allow, own up to; answer, receipt. See disclosure, evidence, gratitude. Ant., deny, disavow. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To admit] Syn. concede, admit, confess, declare; see admit 2 , 3 . 2 …
6Laissez-Faire Racism — closely related to color blind racism and covert racism is theorized to encompass an ideology that blames minorities for their poorer economic situations, viewing it as the result of cultural inferiority. The term is used largely by scholars of… …
7deny — de·ny vt de·nied, de·ny·ing 1: to declare untrue a party...shall admit or deny the averments Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 8(b) compare avoid 2: to refuse to grant denied the moti …
8deny — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. contradict, negate; refuse, withhold; doubt, reject; oppose, protest; renounce, doom. See negation, refusal, rejection. Ant., acknowledge, admit. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. contradict, dispute,… …
9disallow — dis·al·low /ˌdi sə lau̇/ vt 1: to deny the truth, force, or validity of disallow ed the deduction disallow a bankruptcy claim 2: to refuse to allow disallow payment of benefits dis·al·low·ance …
10repudiate — re·pu·di·ate /ri pyü dē ˌāt/ vt at·ed, at·ing: to disavow or reject an obligation (as a debt) or duty (as performance under a contract); specif: to indicate an inability or unwillingness to perform as promised under (a contract) re·pu·di·a·tor /… …