remove from office

  • 81Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or …


  • 82High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina — High Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina Incumbent Valentin Inzko since March 26, 2009 …


  • 83Investigations since the 2000 Fijian coup d'état — A number of separate, but overlapping, investigations have been conducted by the police into various aspects of the 2000 coup. Some of these investigations are ongoing. These investigations include the organization and financing of the coup, and… …


  • 84Sand Creek massacre — Part of the Colorado War, American Indian Wars Date November 29, 1864 Location Colorado Territory Present day Kiowa Co …


  • 85Central Vigilance Commission — Seal of the Central Vigilance Commission Agency overview …


  • 86pension off — Synonyms and related words: abdicate, aid, assist, be pensioned, be superannuated, boot, bounce, break, bump, bust, can, cashier, deconsecrate, defrock, degrade, demit, demote, deplume, depose, deprive, dethrone, disbar, discharge, discrown,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 87retire — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abdicate, abscond, amortize, avoid the limelight, back down, back out, be pensioned, be superannuated, beat a retreat, bed, bed down, blush unseen, boot, bounce, bow out, bowl, break, bump, bust, can, cashier …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 88superannuate — Synonyms and related words: abdicate, age, antiquate, be pensioned, be superannuated, be superseded, become extinct, become obsolete, boot, bounce, break, bump, bust, can, cashier, date, deconsecrate, defrock, degrade, demit, demote, deplume,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 89Alleged plot against Ratu Iloilo, 2000 — Police spokeswoman Sylvia Low announced on 25 August that they were considering opening an investigation into allegations made the previous day by the Military Commander, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, that Senator Apisai Tora and a number of… …


  • 90liquidate — Synonyms and related words: abstract, amortize, annihilate, assassinate, bereave of life, break, bump off, bust, carry away, carry off, cash, cash in, cashier, cast off, cast out, chloroform, chuck, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear… …

    Moby Thesaurus