restore to life

  • 111Cinderella City — Mall Early advertisement for Cinderella City Mall. Location Englewood, Colorado Opening date March 7, 1968 Closing date …


  • 112reanimate — re·an·i·mate ( )rē an ə .māt vt, mat·ed; mat·ing to restore to life: REVIVE re·an·i·ma·tion .an ə mā shən n …

    Medical dictionary

  • 113Ezekiel — The third of the three major OTprophets. A younger contemporary of Jeremiah, and influenced by him, Ezekiel was a priest (Ezek. 1:3) and a prophet (11:4) of the Exile. According to 1:1–3 Ezekiel was among the first group of Jews to be deported to …

    Dictionary of the Bible

  • 114vivify — (v.) 1590s, from O.Fr. vivifier (12c.), from L.L. vivificare make alive, restore to life, from vivificus enlivening, from L. vivus alive (see VIVID (Cf. vivid)) + root of facere to make (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)) …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 115reanimate — verb restore to life or consciousness; revive. Derivatives reanimation noun …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 116resurrect — verb 1》 restore to life. 2》 revive the practice, use, or memory of. Origin C18: back form. from resurrection …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 117raise — [[t]reɪz[/t]] v. raised, rais•ing, n. 1) to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: to raise one s hand[/ex] 2) to set upright 3) to cause to rise or stand up; rouse 4) to increase the height or vertical measurement of 5) to increase in… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 118reanimate — re•an•i•mate [[t]ˌriˈæn əˌmeɪt[/t]] v. t. mat•ed, mat•ing 1) to restore to life; resuscitate 2) to give fresh vigor, spirit, or courage to • Etymology: 1605–15 re•an i•ma′tion, n …

    From formal English to slang

  • 119raise — /reɪz / (say rayz) verb (t) (raised, raising) 1. to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: to raise one s hand. 2. to set upright; lift up. 3. to cause to rise or stand up. 4. Obsolete to rouse. 5. to build; erect: to raise a monument. 6.… …

  • 120reanimate — /riˈænəmeɪt/ (say ree anuhmayt) verb (t) (reanimated, reanimating) 1. to restore to life; resuscitate. 2. to give fresh vigour, spirit, or courage to. 3. to stimulate to renewed activity. –reanimation /ˌriænəˈmeɪʃən/ (say .reeanuh mayshuhn), noun …