rounded oblong

  • 81Nepenthes peltata — A lower pitcher of Nepenthes peltata Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae …


  • 82Passiflora trinervia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Passiflora trinervia Estado d …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 83durian — /door ee euhn, ahn /, n. 1. the edible fruit of a tree, Durio zibethinus, of the bombax family, of southeastern Asia, having a hard, prickly rind, a highly flavored, pulpy flesh, and an unpleasant odor. 2. the tree itself. Also, durion. [1580 90; …


  • 84pansy — /pan zee/, n., pl. pansies. 1. a violet, Viola tricolor hortensis, cultivated in many varieties, having richly and variously colored flowers. 2. the flower of this plant. 3. Slang (disparaging and offensive). a. a male homosexual. b. a weak,… …


  • 85Pansy — /pan zee/, n. a female given name. * * * Any of several popular cultivated violets (genus Viola). Pansies have been grown for so long under such diverse conditions with such striking variations in colour and form that their origin is uncertain.… …


  • 86Clarkia pulchella — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Class …


  • 87Inocarpus fagifer — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) …


  • 88Nepenthes leonardoi — An upper pitcher of a particularly dark variant of N. leonardoi, photographed by co discoverer Stewart McPherson Scientific classification Kingdom …


  • 89Oliver Barrett House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district Contributing property …


  • 90shape — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 physical outline ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, simple ▪ The children cut the paper into various simple shapes. ▪ overall ▪ characteristic, distinctive …

    Collocations dictionary