series of violent declamation

  • 11Union (American Civil War) — Map of the division of the states during the Civil War. Blue represents Union states, including those admitted during the war; light blue represents Union states which permitted slavery (border states); red represents Confederate states. White or …


  • 12Restoration literature — is the English literature written during the historical period commonly referred to as the English Restoration (1660 ndash;1689), which corresponds to the last years of the direct Stuart reign in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. In general …


  • 13Psalm 90 (Ives) — Psalm 90 is a musical composition by the American composer and insurance executive Charles Ives, written in 1923–24. Contents 1 Style 2 Text 3 Analysis 3.1 Introduction …


  • 14Church Music —     Ecclesiastical Music     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Music     By this term is meant the music which, by order or with the approbation of ecclesiastical authority, is employed in connexion with Divine service to promote the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 15LECTURE (PRATIQUES DE) — On sait que la «lecture» d’un texte est le résultat de la confrontation de l’acquit personnel de chacun avec les données qui lui sont proposées, sous forme d’une suite de signes symboliques. Les hommes d’un milieu ou d’une époque réagissent donc …

    Encyclopédie Universelle