soothing medicine

  • 31paregoric — /pærəˈgɒrɪk/ (say paruh gorik) noun 1. a soothing medicine; an anodyne. 2. (formerly) a camphorated tincture of opium, intended primarily in cough mixtures. –adjective 3. assuaging pain; soothing. {Late Latin parēgoricus, from Greek parēgorikos… …

  • 32par|e|gor|ic — «PAR uh GR ihk, GOR », noun, adjective. –n. a soothing medicine containing camphor, benzoic acid, and glycerin, and a very little opium. It is used especially to check an upset stomach or to relieve pain. –adj. soothing. ╂[< Late Latin… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 33len|i|tive — «LEHN uh tihv», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. softening; mitigating. 2. tending to relieve; soothing: »Aspirin is a lenitive medicine. 3. mildly laxative. –n. 1. anything that soothes or softens; …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34lenitive — I. a. Soothing, assuasive, emollient, lenient, mitigative, balmy, sedative, demulcent. II. n. Palliative, emollient, lenient, opiate, anodyne, soothing medicine …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 35Dill — (d[i^]l), n. [AS dile; akin to D. dille, OHG. tilli, G. dill, dille, Sw. dill, Dan. dild.] (Bot.) An herb ({Peucedanum graveolens}), the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, and were formerly used as a soothing medicine… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 36dillseed — Dill Dill (d[i^]l), n. [AS dile; akin to D. dille, OHG. tilli, G. dill, dille, Sw. dill, Dan. dild.] (Bot.) An herb ({Peucedanum graveolens}), the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, and were formerly used as a soothing… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 37Peucedanum graveolens — Dill Dill (d[i^]l), n. [AS dile; akin to D. dille, OHG. tilli, G. dill, dille, Sw. dill, Dan. dild.] (Bot.) An herb ({Peucedanum graveolens}), the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, and were formerly used as a soothing… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 38dill — 1. noun /dɪl/ a) An herb (Anethum graveolens), the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, and were formerly used as a soothing medicine for children; also known as dillseed. b) A cucumber pickled with dill …


  • 39Baby colic — This page is about Baby colic. For other types of colic, see Colic. Cholic redirects here. For cholic acid, see Cholic acid. Colic Classification and external resources Crying newborn …


  • 40Aloe vera — plant with flower detail …
