strong affection
1strong — [strôŋ] adj. [ME < OE strang, akin to ON strangr, strong, severe, Ger streng, severe < IE base * strenk , *streng , tense, taut > STRING, Gr strangos, twisted, L stringere, to draw taut] 1. a) physically powerful; having great muscular… …
2Strong inference — is a model of scientific inquiry developed by John R. Platt. [cite journal|journal=Science|volume=146|issue=3642|year=1964|title=Strong inference|author=John R. Platt|url= inference.html] Platt notes that certain… …
3affection — [n] strong fondness amore, ardor, attachment, care, case*, closeness, concern, crush, desire, devotion, emotion, endearment, feeling, friendliness, friendship, good will, hankering*, heart, inclination, itch*, kindness, liking, love, passion,… …
4affection — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, genuine, great, real, special, strong, warm ▪ mutual ▪ brotherly …
5affection — n. 1) to demonstrate, display, show; return affection 2) to feel affection 3) to gain, win smb. s affection (she won the children s affection) 4) deep, strong, warm affection 5) affection for (to feel affection for smb.) * * * [ə fekʃ(ə)n]… …
6strong — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, look ▪ become, get, grow ▪ remain, stay ▪ …
7affection — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. love, regard, esteem, liking, shine (inf.). See feeling, endearment. Ant., dislike. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Warm liking] Syn. love, fondness, friendship, liking, attachment, good will, predilection,… …
8love and affection — A good but not a valuable consideration necessary to support a bill or note. 11 Am J2d B & N § 222. A good consideration for a deed where extended toward one to whom a natural duty exists, such as near relatives by either consanguinity or… …
9love — Strong affection or compassion for another arising out of familial or personal bonds, or an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests; or based on romantic or sexual desire. An enthusiasm, devotion, or desire. Or the… …
10love — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Strong affection Nouns 1. love, fondness, liking; inclination, desire; regard, admiration, affection, tenderness, heart, attachment, yearning; gallantry; passion, flame, devotion, infatuation, adoration; …