trench upon

  • 31Joe Hooper (Medal of Honor) — Joe Ronnie Hooper Born August 8, 1938(1938 08 08) Piedmont, South Carolina Died …


  • 32Common Law —     Common Law     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Common Law     (Lat. communis, general, of general application; lex, law)     The term is of English origin and is used to describe the juridical principles and general rules regulating the possession …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 33Relationship of American Jews to the U.S. Federal Government (pre-20th century) — Relationship of Jews in the United States to the Federal Government (pre 20th century)The Damascus Affair of 1840 marks the real beginning of the diplomatic or international phase in the history of American Jews (though a reference to the… …


  • 34Jacques-Benigne Bossuet —     Jacques Benigne Bossuet     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jacques Benigne Bossuet     A celebrated French bishop and pulpit orator, born at Dijon, 27 September, 1627, died at Paris, 12 April, 1704. For more than a century his ancestors, both… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 35Transcursion — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Motion beyond. < N PARAG:Transcursion >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 transcursion| transcursion| transiliency transgression Sgm: N 1 trespass trespass Sgm: N 1 encroachment encroachment infringement Sgm: N 1 extravagation|… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 36intrench on — Invade, trespass upon, encroach upon, trench upon, intrench upon …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 37Attorney-General for Ontario v. Attorney-General for the Dominion — Attorney General for Ontario v. Attorney General for the Dominion, and the Distillers and Brewers’ Association of Ontario ( Local Prohibition Case ), [1896] A.C. 348 (J.C.P.C.) is a famous Canadian constitutional decision by the Judicial… …


  • 38Dereliction of Duty — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Dereliction of Duty >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 dereliction of duty dereliction of duty Sgm: N 1 fault fault &c.(guilt) 947 Sgm: N 1 sin sin &c.(vice) 945 Sgm: N 1 non observance non observance non performance Sgm …

    English dictionary for students

  • 39violate — v. a. 1. Injure, hurt. 2. Break, infringe, transgress, invade, break through, trench upon, encroach upon, set at naught, disobey. 3. Profane, desecrate, pollute, do violence to. 4. Abuse, outrage, ravish, deflour, debauch, constuprate, defile,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 40impinge — I verb advance upon, aggress, attack, bang, barge in, break bounds, break in on, bump, butt against, collide, come into collision, contact, dash against, encroach, entrench on, fall against, foray, force oneself in, hit, impingi, impose, incidere …

    Law dictionary