unchaste or lewd

  • 121impure — adjective 1) impure gold Syn: adulterated, mixed, combined, blended, alloyed; technical admixed Ant: pure 2) the water was impure Syn: contaminated, polluted …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 122abandoned — adj 1. forsaken, deserted, neglected; relinquished, given up, left behind, Naut. (of a ship) ahull; discarded, rejected, cast off or away or aside; shunned, scorned, outcast, forlorn, Poetic. lorn; bereft, adrift, alone, solitary, lonely,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123bawdy — adj 1. obscene, pornographic, vulgar, filthy, dirty, smutty, Sl. raunchy, scatalogical; gross, crude, coarse; indecent, ribald, risque, off color, lewd; shameless, immodest, indecorous, unseemly, improper, indelicate, rude. 2. lustful,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124bestial — adj 1. theroid, animalic, animalian, beastly, beastlike, therimorphic. 2. primitive, wild, barbaric, barbarian, barbarous, heathen; savage, fierce, brutal, inhuman; rough, rugged, coarse, bearish, brutish; boorish, churlish, loutish, oafish;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125carnal — adj 1. earthly, worldly, temporal, mundane, terrestrial; secular, profane, unspiritual, physical, corporeal. 2. sensual, voluptuous, fleshly, bodily; lustful, lascivious, libidinous, lubricous, lecherous, Archaic. lickerish, Sl. horny;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126depraved — adj 1. corrupt, immoral, unprincipled, reprobate; perverted, warped, misguided, distorted; wicked, evil, iniquitous, sinful, vicious; villainous, miscreant, vile, foul, base, low; demoralized, deteriorated, degenerate, debased, abased, vitiated,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127dirty — adj 1. unclean, soiled, grimy, stained, spotted, smudged; unwashed, filthy, muddied, bedraggled, dirt encrusted; foul, begrimed, besmeared, smirchy, befouled, polluted; sleazy, squalid, slovenly, slatternly, Inf. sloppy, Inf. scruffy, Sl. crumby …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128dissolute — adj 1. licentious, libertine, lascivious, debauched, dissipated, wasted, rakish, rakehell; lecherous, lubricous, satyric, satyrical, satyrlike, goatish, Sl. horny, Archaic. lickerish; concupiscent, prurient, lustful, libidinous, salacious;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder