unchaste or lewd

  • 131dirty — adj 1. unclean, soiled, grimy, stained, spotted, smudged; unwashed, filthy, muddied, bedraggled, dirt encrusted; foul, begrimed, besmeared, smirchy, befouled, polluted; sleazy, squalid, slovenly, slatternly, Inf. sloppy, Inf. scruffy, Sl. crumby …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132dissolute — adj 1. licentious, libertine, lascivious, debauched, dissipated, wasted, rakish, rakehell; lecherous, lubricous, satyric, satyrical, satyrlike, goatish, Sl. horny, Archaic. lickerish; concupiscent, prurient, lustful, libidinous, salacious;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder