uphold sustain
1sustain — sus·tain /sə stān/ vt 1: to support as true, legal, or just 2: to allow or uphold as valid sustain an objection compare overrule 1 sus·tain·able adj Merri …
2uphold — up·hold vt held, hold·ing: to judge valid: let stand uphold an award; specif: to hold constitutional uphold the practice of having religious invocations and benedictions at high school graduation ceremonies Sands v. Morongo Unified Sch. Dist.,… …
3Sustain — Sus*tain , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sustained}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sustaining}.] [OE. sustenen, susteinen, OF. sustenir, sostenir, F. soutenir (the French prefix is properly fr. L. subtus below, fr. sub under), L. sustinere; pref. sus (see {Sub }) +… …
4Uphold — Up*hold , v. t. 1. To hold up; to lift on high; to elevate. [1913 Webster] The mournful train with groans, and hands upheld. Besought his pity. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To keep erect; to support; to sustain; to keep from falling; to maintain.… …
5sustain — [sə stān′] vt. [ME susteinen < OFr sustenir < L sustinere < sus (see SUB ), under + tenere, to hold (see THIN)] 1. to keep in existence; keep up; maintain or prolong [to sustain a mood] 2. to provide for the support of; specif., to… …
6sustain — [v1] keep up, maintain aid, approve, assist, back, bankroll, bear, befriend, bolster, brace, buoy, buttress, carry, comfort, confirm, continue, convey, defend, endorse, favor, feed, foster, go for, help, keep alive, keep from falling, keep going …
7uphold in evidence — index corroborate, establish (show), support (corroborate), sustain (confirm) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Willi …
8uphold — early 13c., support, sustain, from UP (Cf. up) + HOLD (Cf. hold) (v.). Cf. O.Fris. upholda, M.Du. ophouden, Ger. aufhalten …
9uphold — [v] maintain, support advocate, aid, assist, back, back up, bolster, boost, brace, buoy up, buttress, carry, champion, confirm, countenance, defend, elevate, encourage, endorse, help, hoist, hold to, hold up one’s end*, justify, pick up, promote …
10uphold — [up hōld′] vt. upheld, upholding 1. to hold up; raise 2. to keep from falling; support 3. to give moral or spiritual support or encouragement to 4. to decide in favor of; agree with and support against opposition; sustain SYN. SUPPORT upholder n …