with frequent repetitions

  • 111Gospel of St. Matthew —     Gospel of St. Matthew     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gospel of St. Matthew     I. CANONICITY     The earliest Christian communities looked upon the books of the Old Testament as Sacred Scripture, and read them at their religious assemblies.… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 112David Gordon (choreographer) — For other people of the same name, see David Gordon (disambiguation). David Gordon Born July 14, 1936 (1936 07 14) (age 75)[1] Lower East Side Manhattan, New York City …


  • 113Legends about Theodoric the Great — Dietrich catches the dwarf Alfrich (1883), by Johannes Gehrts. The Gothic King Theodoric the Great was remembered in Germanic legend as Dietrich von Bern (Bern is the Middle High German name for Verona, where Theodoric had one of his residences) …


  • 114MÉMOIRE — La mémoire est la propriété de conserver et de restituer des informations. Cette propriété n’est pas exclusivement propre à l’homme. Celui ci la partage avec les organismes vivants et certaines machines, de sorte qu’il est nécessaire de préciser… …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 115EZEKIEL — EZEKIEL, a major prophet who is said to have begun prophesying in the fifth year of Jehoiachin s exile in Babylonia, seven years before the final fall of Jerusalem; his prophecies are recorded in the book that bears his name. The name Ezekiel… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 116HAGGADAH, PASSOVER — (Heb. הַגָּדָה; telling ), a set form of benedictions, prayers, midrashic comments and psalms recited at the seder ritual on the eve of passover .   INTRODUCTION The Haggadah is based on the seder service prescribed by the Mishnah (Pes. 10),… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 117HEBREW LITERATURE, MODERN — definition and scope beginnings periodization …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 118SPINOZA, BARUCH (Bento, Benedictus) DE — (1632–1677), philosopher born in Amsterdam of Portuguese background, who became one of the most important representatives of the rationalist movement in the early modern period. Introduction In the Jewish and National Library in Jerusalem,… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 119Mantra — In Tibet, many Buddhists carve mantras into rocks as a form of meditation. A mantra (Tib.སྔགས་ ngak; Wyl. sngags) [1] is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of creating transformation (cf. spiritual… …


  • 120Biblical poetry — The ancient Hebrews perceived that there were poetical portions in their sacred texts, as shown by their entitling as songs or chants such passages as Exodus 15:1 19 and Numbers 21:17 20; and a song or chant (shir) is, according to the primary… …
