
  • 1purification rite — ▪ anthropology Introduction       any of the ceremonial acts or customs employed in an attempt to reestablish lost purity or to create a higher degree of purity in relation to the sacred (the transcendental realm) or the social and cultural realm …


  • 2purification — pu|ri|fi|ca|tion [ ,pjurıfə keıʃn ] noun uncount 1. ) the process of making something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it: water purification 2. ) a religious act or ceremony to purify someone or something: purification of: the… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 3purification — UK [ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌpjʊrɪfəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] noun [uncountable] 1) the process of making something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it water purification 2) a religious act or ceremony to purify someone or something… …

    English dictionary

  • 4purification — noun 1. the act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities (Freq. 2) • Derivationally related forms: ↑purify • Hypernyms: ↑cleaning, ↑cleansing, ↑cleanup 2. the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 5Church of St. Mary of the Purification, Blidworth — Coordinates: 53°05′39″N 01°07′36″W / 53.09417°N 1.12667°W / 53.09417; 1.12667 …


  • 6Ritual purification — is a feature of many religions. The aim of these rituals is to remove specifically defined uncleanliness prior to a particular type of activity, and especially prior to the worship of a deity. This ritual uncleanliness is not however identical… …


  • 7sweat lodge ceremony — noun (among northern Native American peoples) a ritual purification, both physical and spiritual, in which stones are heated in a pit in a sweat lodge, swept clean with a cedar broom, and doused with water to create steam in which participants… …

  • 8PRIESTS AND PRIESTHOOD — Definition of Priesthood The priests are the principal functionaries in divine services, their special task being to engage in cultic ceremonies which they conducted mainly in the Temple. In general the priests post is authorized by hereditary… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 9rite of passage — 1. Anthropol. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person s change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan. 2. any important act or event that serves… …


  • 10form — n 1 Form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration are comparable when they denote the disposition or arrangement of content that gives a particular aspect or appearance to a thing as distinguished from the substance of which that thing is made …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms