
adjective see duct I

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Ductal — is a proprietary pre mixed ultra high performance concrete whose physical characteristics exceed those of common concrete used in the construction of buildings. It is manufactured by Lafarge and Bouygues. Ductal has high compressive strength and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ductal — (marque déposée des groupes français Bouygues et Lafarge) est un béton fibré à ultra hautes performances. Développée en commun par les deux entreprises et couverte par des brevets communs, cette technologie innovante offre des possibilités… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ductal — Relating to a duct. * * * duc·tal dək təl adj of or belonging to a duct: made up of ducts <the biliary ductal system> …   Medical dictionary

  • Ductal, lobular, and medullary neoplasms — Classification and external resources ICD O: 8500 8549 MeSH D018299 Ductal, lobular, and medullary neoplasms is a group of tumors. An examp …   Wikipedia

  • Ductal carcinoma — Classification and external resources MeSH D044584 Ductal carcinoma is a type of tumor that primarily presents in the ducts of a gland. Types include: Mammary ductal carcinoma Pancreatic ductal …   Wikipedia

  • Ductal lavage — is a method used to collect cells from milk ducts in the breast. A hair size catheter (tube) is inserted into the nipple, and a small amount of salt water is released into the duct. The water picks up breast cells, and is removed. The cells are… …   Wikipedia

  • Ductal cells — refer to cells lining the pancreatic duct and are responsible for production of bicarbonate rich secretion. Ductal cells are stimulated by the hormone secretin and are responsible for maintenance of the duodenal pH and prevention of duodenal… …   Wikipedia

  • ductal carcinoma in situ — n any of a histologically variable group of precancerous growths or early carcinomas of the lactiferous ducts that have the potential of becoming invasive and spreading to other tissues abbr. DCIS * * * (DCIS) any of a large group of in situ… …   Medical dictionary

  • ductal types — Дуктальные шрифты (Ductal types)     Шрифты, форма которых образована процессом последовательного написания на мягком материале (папирусе, пергамене, бумаге, шелке и др.) с помощью пишущего инструмента (тростникового, птичьего или стального пера …   Шрифтовая терминология

  • ductal carcinoma in situ — DCIS. A noninvasive condition in which abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct. The abnormal cells have not spread outside the duct to other tissues in the breast. In some cases, ductal carcinoma in situ may become invasive cancer …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • ductal lavage — A method used to collect cells from milk ducts in the breast. A hair size catheter (tube) is inserted into the nipple, and a small amount of salt water is released into the duct. The water picks up breast cells, and is removed. The cells are… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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