
adjective (chaster; chastest) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin castus pure Date: 13th century 1. innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse 2. celibate 3. pure in thought and act ; modest 4. a. severely simple in design or execution ; austere <
chaste classicism
b. clean, spotlesschastely adverbchasteness noun Synonyms: chaste, pure, modest, decent mean free from all taint of what is lewd or salacious. chaste primarily implies a refraining from acts or even thoughts or desires that are not virginal or not sanctioned by marriage vows <
they maintained chaste relations
. pure differs from chaste in implying innocence and absence of temptation rather than control of one's impulses and actions <
the pure of heart
. modest and decent apply especially to deportment and dress as outward signs of inward chastity or purity <
preferred more modest swimsuits
decent people didn't go to such movies

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • chaste — [ ʃast ] adj. • 1138; lat. ecclés. castus « pur de » 1 ♦ Vx Qui s abstient des plaisirs jugés illicites et des pensées impures. ⇒ ascétique, 1. continent, pur, sage, vertueux. Chaste épouse. ⇒ honnête. La chaste Suzanne. Les chastes sœurs : les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Chaste — (ch[=a]st), a. [F. chaste, from L. castus pure, chaste; cf. Gr. kaqaro s pure, Skr. [,c]udh to purify.] [1913 Webster] 1. Pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous; continent. As chaste as Diana. Shak. [1913 Webster] Whose bed is undefiled… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chaste — adj Chaste, pure, modest, decent are comparable when they mean free from all taint of what is lewd or salacious. Chaste fundamentally implies an opposition to immoral in the sense of that word in which it connotes lustfulness and licentiousness.… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • chaste — CHASTE. adj. des 2 g. Qui s abstient des plaisirs d un amour illicite. Homme chaste. Femme chaste. [b]f♛/b] Il signifie aussi, Pur, éloigné de tout ce qui blesse la pudeur, la modestie. Amour chaste. Un coeur chaste. Il est chaste de corps et d… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • chaste — chaste; chaste·ly; chaste·ness; un·chaste; un·chaste·ly; un·chaste·ness; …   English syllables

  • chaste — CHASTE. (l S se prononce) adj. de tout genre. Qui s abstient du plaisir de la chair, ou qui n en use que suivant la loy de Dieu. Homme chaste. femme chaste. amour chaste. un coeur chaste. il est chaste de corps & d esprit. cela blesse les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • chaste´ly — chaste «chayst», adjective. 1. morally pure; virtuous: »Chaste as morning dew (Edward Young). SYNONYM(S): innocent, continent. 2. Figurative. decent; modest …   Useful english dictionary

  • chaste — [tʃeıst] adj [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin castus pure ] 1.) old fashioned not having sex with anyone, or not with anyone except your husband or wife →↑celibate, chastity ↑chastity ▪ She led a chaste, decent life. 2.) not showing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • chaste — [ tʃeıst ] adjective OLD FASHIONED someone who is chaste does not have sex a. MAINLY LITERARY showing no interest in sex: a chaste kiss ╾ chaste|ly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • chaste — [chāst] adj. [OFr < L castus, pure, chaste: see CASTE] 1. not indulging in unlawful sexual activity; virtuous 2. sexually abstinent; celibate 3. pure, decent, or modest in nature, behavior, etc. 4. restrained and simple in style; not ornate… …   English World dictionary

  • chaste — (adj.) early 13c., virtuous, pure from unlawful sexual intercourse, from O.Fr. chaste (12c.) morally pure, from L. castus clean, pure, morally pure (see CASTE (Cf. caste)). Transferred sense of sexually pure is first attested 1560s, probably by… …   Etymology dictionary

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