cheap shot

cheap shot
noun Date: 1971 1. an act of deliberate roughness against a defenseless opponent especially in a contact sport <
taking cheap shots at the quarterback
2. a critical statement that takes unfair advantage of a known weakness of the target • cheap-shot transitive verb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • cheap shot — cheap shots N COUNT (disapproval) A cheap shot is a comment someone makes which you think is unfair or unkind. He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot. He has no class …   English dictionary

  • cheap shot — A cheap shot is an unprincipled criticism …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • cheap shot — cheap′ shot′ n. 1) fbb (in sports) a blow, shove, or tackle maliciously directed against an opponent who is defenseless or off guard 2) cvb any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, esp. one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person …   From formal English to slang

  • cheap shot — n. Slang an unnecessarily rough or mean action or remark against which there is no ready defense …   English World dictionary

  • cheap shot — noun 1. an unnecessarily aggressive and unfair remark directed at a defenseless person • Hypernyms: ↑shot, ↑shaft, ↑slam, ↑dig, ↑barb, ↑jibe, ↑gibe 2. an illegal and unsportsmanlike act of unnecessary violence …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheap shot —    A cheap shot is an unprincipled criticism.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    A cruel, unfair or unwarranted comment or verbal attack is called acheap shot.     Referring to Tom as an unqualified speaker was really a cheap shot …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • cheap shot — n. a remark that takes advantage of someone else’s vulnerability. □ It’s easy to get a laugh with a cheap shot at cats. □ People who wouldn’t dare utter anything negative about blacks, Poles, or women just love to take a cheap shot at yuppies …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • cheap-shot — transitive verb see cheap shot …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cheap shot — /tʃip ˈʃɒt/ (say cheep shot) noun 1. an unkind remark or action designed to humiliate another person, regarded as a predictable way in which to score such advantage. 2. Sport an act of unsporting behaviour, often committed slyly and with the… …  

  • cheap shot — 1. a covert, unsportsmanlike, and illegal act of deliberate roughness, esp. in football, often calculated to injure an opponent. 2. any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, esp. one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person. * * * …   Universalium

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