factor analytic

factor analytic
adjective see factor analysis

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • factor analytic — adjective of or relating to or the product of factor analysis • Syn: ↑factor analytical • Pertains to noun: ↑factor analysis, ↑factor analysis (for: ↑factor analytical) • Derivationally related forms …   Useful english dictionary

  • factor analytical — adjective of or relating to or the product of factor analysis • Syn: ↑factor analytic • Pertains to noun: ↑factor analysis (for: ↑factor analytic), ↑factor analysis • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • factor analysis — noun Date: 1931 the analytical process of transforming statistical data (as measurements) into linear combinations of usually independent variables • factor analytic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Automorphic factor — In mathematics, an automorphic factor is a certain type of analytic function, defined on subgroups of SL(2,R), appearing in the theory of modular forms. The general case, for general groups, is reviewed in the article factor of automorphy .… …   Wikipedia

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