choke hold

choke hold
noun Date: 1964 1. a hold that involves strong choking pressure applied to the neck of another 2. absolute dominance or control <
had a choke hold on the city's finances

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • choke'hold — noun A method of restraining someone by holding one s arm across his or her throat (also figurative) • • • Main Entry: ↑choke …   Useful english dictionary

  • Choke Hold — is a Hardy Boys novel.The Hardys enter the world of wrestling entertainment, where fists fly, and tempers soar. Sammy The Kung Fu King Rand s career is being sabotaged by someone inside the system, and the Hardys must find out who, before things… …   Wikipedia

  • choke hold — noun a restraining hold; someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind he grabbed the woman in a chokehold, demanded her cash and jewelry, and then fled • Syn: ↑chokehold • Hypernyms: ↑clasp, ↑clench …   Useful english dictionary

  • choke hold — a restraining hold, as when one person encircles the neck of another from behind in a viselike grip with the arm. Also, chokehold. * * * …   Universalium

  • choke — [chōk] vt. choked, choking [ME choken, aphetic < OE vt. aceocian, to choke, prob. < base of ceoke, jaw, CHEEK] 1. to prevent from breathing by blocking the windpipe or squeezing the throat of; strangle; suffocate; smother; stifle 2. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Choke — may refer to: Choking, obstruction of airflow into the lungs Choke (horse), a condition in horses in which the esophagus is blocked Choking game, a schoolyard game involving deprivation of oxygen to the brain Chokehold, a grappling hold performed …   Wikipedia

  • Choke Suplex — Suplex Un suplex est un mouvement au catch et à la lutte. En français, suplex veut dire « souplesse ». C est une des prises les plus utilisées au catch. Un suplex consiste à projeter l adversaire à terre sur le dos, le cou ou les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • choke something back — SUPPRESS, hold back, fight back, bite back, swallow, check, restrain, control, repress, smother, stifle; informal keep a/the lid on. → choke * * * suppress a strong emotion or the expression of such an emotion Liz was choking back her anger * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • hold down — Synonyms and related words: asphyxiate, bit, bottle up, bridle, censor, check, choke off, clamp down on, constrain, cork, cork up, crack down on, crush, curb, damp down, deprive of freedom, disenfranchise, disfranchise, dominate, drown, enslave,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hold back — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To restrain] Syn. inhibit, control, curb; see check 2 , prevent , restrain 1 . 2. [To refrain] Syn. desist, hesitate, forbear; see abstain , avoid . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb 1. To have and maintain in one s… …   English dictionary for students

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