Chromogenic — refers to color photographic processes in which a traditional silver image is first formed, and then later replaced with a colored dye image. Description Chromogenic film or paper contains one or many layers of silver halide emulsion, along with… … Wikipedia
Chromogenic — Chro mo*gen ic, a. (Biol.) Containing, or capable of forming, chromogen; as, chromogenic bacteria. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chromogenic color print — Chromogenic color prints are full color photographic prints made using chromogenic materials and processes. These prints may be produced from an original which is a color negative, slide, or digital image. The chromogenic print process, was… … Wikipedia
Chromogenic in situ hybridization — CISH, or chromogenic in situ hybridization, is a process in which a labeled complementary DNA or RNA strand is used to localize a specific DNA or RNA sequence in a tissue specimen. CISH methodology may be used to evaluate gene amplification, gene … Wikipedia
chromogenic — /kroh meuh jen ik/, adj. 1. producing color. 2. Chem. pertaining to chromogen or a chromogen. 3. (of bacteria) producing some characteristic color or pigment that is useful as a means of identification. [1880 85; CHROMO + GENIC] * * * … Universalium
chromogenic — adjective a) Describing a process in which a black and white image is replaced by a coloured one b) Containing or producing chromogen … Wiktionary
chromogenic — 1. Denoting a chromogen. 2. Relating to chromogenesis. * * * chro·mo·gen·ic (kro″mo jenґik) producing a pigment or coloring matter … Medical dictionary
chromogenic — adj. produces color; having a characteristic color; (Chemistry) pertaining to a chromogen (organic color producing substance) … English contemporary dictionary
chromogenic — adjective 1》 involving the production of colour or pigments. 2》 Photography denoting a modern process of developing film which uses couplers to produce black and white images of very high definition … English new terms dictionary
chromogenic — chro·mo·gen·ic … English syllables