- pump-fake
- verb see pump fake
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
pump fake — noun Date: 1977 a fake in which a player simulates throwing a pass (as in football) or taking a shot (as in basketball) • pump fake verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
pump fake — noun : a fake in which a player simulates throwing a pass (as in football) or taking a shot (as in basketball) • pump fake verb … Useful english dictionary
pump-fake — verb see pump fake … Useful english dictionary
pump-fake — verb To pretend to throw or shoot the ball in order to make a defender react The way he pump fakes it in the Oval Office is really distracting … Wiktionary
Fake (American Football) — Ein Fake im American Football (englisch für Fälschung od. Täuschung) ist eine angetäuschte Ballübergabe oder ein angetäuschter Pass. Fakes werden im Rahmen der Angriffsstrategie genutzt, um Stellungsfehler in der Verteidigung zu schaffen bzw.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pump — pump1 [pump] n. [ME pumpe < MDu pompe < Sp bomba, prob. of echoic orig.] 1. any of various machines that force a liquid or gas into or through, or draw it out of, something, as by suction or pressure 2. Informal the heart vt. 1. to raise or … English World dictionary
Basketball moves — are generally individual actions used by players in basketball to pass by defenders to gain access to the basket or to get a clean pass to a teammate. Contents 1 Dribbling 1.1 Crossover dribble 1.2 Between the legs … Wikipedia
Wurftechnik (American Football) — Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund von inhaltlichen Mängeln auf der Qualitätssicherungsseite des Portals American Football eingetragen. Dies geschieht, um die Qualität der Artikel aus dem Themengebiet American Football auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Statue of Liberty play — The Statue of Liberty is a trick play in American football, occasionally seen in high school football, college football and NFL.Execution of the playAlthough many variations of the play exist, the most common involves the quarterback taking the… … Wikipedia
Glossary of Water polo — NOTOC The following terms are used in water polo. Rules below reflect the latest FINA Water Polo Rules. [ [http://www.fina.org/project/index.php?option=com content task=view id=48 Itemid=119 FINA Water Polo Rules] ] 0 9;2 meter defense :See hole… … Wikipedia